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CS Equity

To ensure a justice-centered, equitable computer science (CS) education for Black, Native, and Latine students, we equip K-12 partners with funding, resources, content, and pedagogy. We are committed to driving racial equity not only in the national CS education landscape, but also in the local ecosystems in 3 key regions: Oakland, Atlanta, and Detroit.

Find helpful resources below
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Teacher Lesson Material Worksheet
Curriculum Provider Self-Assessment Tool
CS Teacher Unit Planning Guide
CRCS Instructional and Pedagogy Rubric
Instructional Strategies Database
AI Norms for Classroom Assignments Tool
Propaganda Then and Now: What has changed?
Drinking Water is Everywhere, Right?
Bringing Climate Justice Home
Computers and Video Games
Culturally responsive-sustaining computer science education: A framework

Inclusive Pathways to Tech

To address disparities in postsecondary computing education and create alternative inclusive pathways to tech jobs, we produce resources and toolkits, invest in organizations and initiatives expanding access to tech jobs, and advocate for new models of upskilling, reskilling, and hiring.

Equitable Tech Toolkit
Episode 1: Racially Inclusive Tech Workforce Development

Equitable Tech Policy

At this moment in our country, we believe technology is central to the fight for racial equity. And, we believe that policy change is critical to transforming systems and structures preventing the full participation and protection of Black, Latine, and Native communities across the technology ecosystem. We have developed a framework for systemic change that outlines a set of nine core technology policy areas that call for expanded access to technology pathways, increased tech accountability and worker protections, and greater investment in infrastructure and innovation.

Find helpful resources and worksheets below:

Kapor Center’s Equitable Tech Policy Framework